
Explanations in English are provided below


本放送→ 12月17日(土)10:00〜10:30(シンガポール時間)

再放送→ 12月18日(日)18:00〜18:30(シンガポール時間)



Broadcasting to Singapore and other East Asian countries

We are pleased to announce that our “Quick Freezer Business with Restaurant”, which was previously covered by TV Tokyo’s WBS (World Business Satellite), will be aired in the following time.

The program will be aired on Saturday, December 17, from 10:00 to 10:30 (Singapore time).

Re-broadcast→ December 18 (Sun.) 18:00-18:30 (Singapore time)
The program will be aired on

We believe that “Gin-bura Gourmet”, which has been promoted with the generous support of Matsuya Ginza, is moving forward to the next stage of its development.

If there are any of you who live in Singapore and happen to be able to watch the program, we would be very happy if you could do so.

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